Logical Fallacy, Disinformation, and the Dissolution of Truth

Logical Fallacy
Nov 18, 2020


The biggest obstacle we face today is divisiveness. The second biggest obstacle is misinformation, which prevents unity, and the third obstacle is logical fallacy.

Logical fallacies are illegitimate arguments or irrelevant points that undermine the logic of an argument. Typically, they are identified as lacking evidence to support a claim. If we can defeat logical fallacies, we defeat misinformation. Only then can we move to overcome divisiveness.

Read our new article with logical fallacies examples from politics and real life by Robert W. Adams


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Second piece of good news —

We prepared several lists of logical fallacies for you:

Hope they will help you to find fallacy reference you are looking for.



Logical Fallacy

Philosopher, IT enthusiast and site support