Argumentum Ad Hominem Logical Fallacy


We have published new articles about logical fallacies:

> She’s just a schoolgirl! How can she understand anything about global warming?

That type of reasoning is Argumentum Ad Hominem (Personal Attack).

It’s happening when in discussion you are shifting argument from topic to the person.

In this article we are showing three kinds of personal attacks together with

  • Argumentum Ad Hominem circumstantial/Guilt by association
  • Ad Personam
  • Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
  • Poisoning the well
  • Kafka-trapping
  • Tone policing
  • Traitorous critic fallacy

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“You are with us or you are against us” is a very common example of False Dilemma.

False Dichotomy Logical Fallacy is a very common way of argument, showing in removing an option from the list. that’s why it’s also called No Middle Ground or black-and white fallacy.

Read more: False Dilemma Logical Fallacy

only two pills — that’s a false dilemma



Logical Fallacy

Philosopher, IT enthusiast and site support